How Lies Killed The Circus, Ruined Lives, Endangered Elephants

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This is review of a write up by Jon Katz called "How Lies Killed The Circus, Ruined Lives, Endangered Elephants" for the website The way he breaks things down is extremely well done. It starts out with a narrative that to me is the cornerstone of the animal "rights" industry: money.   
It usually begins with an outpouring of heart-rending videos of abused animals online – sometimes horses, sometimes dogs or cats, ponies and elephants. There is a whole library of elephant abuse videos on social media, they are graphic and wrenching. The donation buttons are always close by.They are big money-makers, people write checks or rush to Paypal when they see them, sign petitions, and join up. Those videos are very often the very boundaries of many people's narrow understanding of the lives of working animals and the feelings of the people who keep them alive.
The line here that stands out is "those videos are very often the very boundaries of many people's narrow understanding of the lives of working animals". The truth behind this statement is true beyond belief. Most people are good people with good hearts and when they see a video online of an animal getting abused, it makes them angry and open their check books. The animal "rights" industry has flooded the internet for years and with the rise of the social media era it simplifies there effort to spread their videos. These videos are normally of rare scenarios of people in various field actually abusing animals. It could be a circus employee, a zoo worker, a farmer or a regular citizen committing a disgusting act of animal abuse. These actions are rare on all those fields of work and when it does happen it needs to be dealt with and addressed. When they do find a video such as that, they use it as part of their catalog and the same video can be used multiple times for multiple targets. The facts that in almost all cases, the target of their video are not the subjects in the videos are irrelevant be they know people have kind hearts and are going to act with their hearts as oppose to being skeptical and researching. The write up goes on to to address the misleading nature of these videos.
These claims of abuse, rarely, if ever, substantiated, set the template for the growing movement to free the elephants from the circus, even as no one had or has any idea of where most of them will go....Since the videos suggested that circus elephants were being abused, Ringling Brothers had no real way to defend itself against the inference that they must also still be abusing their elephants, assuming they once were.
This next part is where I struggle the most with and is an incredible point the writer is making.
How do you disprove a lie?
That one line right there is the biggest struggle in fighting the animal "right" extremist. The old saying "you never have a second chance to make a first impression" is so true when it come to this battle. For a lot of people, their introduction to this conversation was a propaganda piece from the animal "rights" industry and once the human mind absorbs that first impression, it is extremely hard for anyone or anything to change that impression. As the author points out, these campaigns are:
built on a pillar of lies and will leave great suffering in its wake. It will do nothing to help the vanishing domesticated animals of the world and much to harm, even kill, them.
To these groups, lies are okay, even encouraged...   
In the curious world of animal rights, ideology and emotion trumps the truth every time, any means to an end is okay.
...and their formulated narrative is always the same. 
The people are always evil, the animals always suffering, the animals always need to go away. They are never seen again.
Let's look at the line "any means to an end is okay". The "end" more often than not is that the animals effected by the actions of these animal "rights" extremist end up dead. Lets explore that. They claim there goal if to better the lives of animals (at least imply that but keep in mind they are animal "rights" activist and not animal "welfare" activist) but these animals end up being ripped away from their families (care takers) and lives and sent on a inevitable death march. So the "end" is not better lives for the animals. So what is the "end" they are so willing to lie for. This next part nails the real reason they do what they do and is why I refer to it as the animal "rights" industry.  
 A fund-raising analyst on Wall Street told me this morning on the phone that the elephant and other animal abuse videos are the biggest money-raisers on the Internet, they are a gold mine for animal rights organizations seeking funds.They raise hundreds of millions of dollars a year, he said.
This industry is gig money and that is the driving force. All the lies are meant to make kind hearted people react impulsively and open their check books to help fill the pockets of these business people who hide behind the title of "activist". Done be fooled by these people and please educate everyone around you about the facts. Going back to the point of "you only have one change to make a first impression", always be ready to share positive stories and videos so the first impression can be a positive one. Please to sure to read the whole write up by Jon Katz as it has a lot of other great points to be made. 

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