"We are not animal welfare activists"

"We are not animal welfare activists" was the phrase used by Denver, Colorado animal "rights" extremist Aidan Cook over the weekend. The group she belongs to, "Dever Baby Animal Save", took an opportunity to continue the trend of animal "rights" groups breaking the law to accomplish their agenda. On Sunday, the group stole 3 chickens from Long Shadow Farm and "rescued" them by setting them "free". Kristin Ramey, who operates the farm explained that members of the extremist group entered the farm Sunday by pretending to be volunteers who wanted to help with farm chores planned for Sunday. After gaining access to the farm, they asked Kristin's 8-year-old daughter to show them a building where the chickens were being stored in preparation for humane processing. They then stole 3 chickens and ran off the property where they met up with a group of 40 people wearing matching Denver Baby Animal Save shirts. These folks then locked arms and began chanting threats at the farm staff. The Larimer County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating in order to charge with multiple felony trespassing and theft charges. 

So we know the actions that took place: obtaining access though false pretenses, theft, criminal mischief and harassment. Now let's take a look at their motives. Animal "rights" activists fall under two categories. There are the ones who believe they are doing their part to "rescue" and "free" animals from conditions they believe to be cruel (really any situation that consist of animals and humans co-existing) and there are the ones who are using the platform of the animal "rights" agenda to raise funds for monetary gain. At first glance, it appears as though these folks were misguided but still making an honest attempt to do what is right for animals. Let's take a closer look at the situation though. Long Shadow Farm specializes in raising free-range chickens and lamb. Every aspect of their farming practices is completely humane and the staff are extremely knowledgeable about the needs and well being of the animals they raise. They truly believe in producing healthy and happy animals. They are not a farm that raises animals in a giant mill style facility with inhuman living conditions and questionable processing practices. They do their business in the best way possible with the animal's wellbeing in mind though the whole ordeal. With so many questionable facilities raising and slaughtering on a high scale, why target a small humane farm? The point is made that the security on those establishments are much stronger. This is true so let's take that into consideration and look at other factors as well. So they feel "strongly" about these chickens being free, and believe no matter how well they are cared for, they should not be killed. It's easy to say they are in fact doing what they are doing because they believe that's best for the chickens. So let's look at that portion. One  of the chickens they "saved" is a European breed specifically meant to be born in the spring and slaughtered in the fall because is cannot withstand winter temperatures. As Kristin stated, “If they don’t have appropriate plans for that chicken, it will freeze to death this winter. Being humanely slaughtered is a much more compassionate way for an animal to die". So instead of the humane procedures of the chickens life cycle being carried out, their action will instead leave to extreme suffering for the chicken. Doesn't seem consistent with their goals. This means either they don't have the knowledge needed to care for animals they want to "free" or they have a different motive. I believe both. Let's look at this part for the article:

"Links to online fundraising campaigns for legal fees accumulated by activists with Denver Baby Animal Rescue can be found on the group’s Facebook page. The fundraising campaigns are for legal defense against trespassing charges against activists who have participated in Denver-area protests."

Objectively look at this. This is the same format that the animal "rights" movement utilizes regularly: break the law, send animals on a death march, receive monetary gain". This is where I stand. In this case, as with countless others, the actions took place for monetary gain. 

Let's take a look at that statement again: "We are not animal welfare activists". This is the real truth behind the animal "rights" movement. They care not about the welfare of animals but instead use animals as a tool to gain financially. 
