Meet Wayne Pacelle

Meet Wayne Pacelle: The President and Chief Executive Officer of the Humane Society of the United States

HSUS President & CEO Wayne Pacelle regularly states that his involvement in the “industry” of animal “rights” is due to his “compassion for animals.” Famed animal advocate Nathan Winograd has said of of Pacelle, “We have learned what we can expect under Mr. Pacelle's tenure. Platitudes, cliches, rhetoric, pretty words. But we cannot expect solutions.” Interesting statement about a man who operates an organization that a lot of people believe is reputable in the field of animal welfare. If he is all talk and no action, what could actually be his motivating factor? In my opening statement I referred to the HSUS as the “Industry” of animal “rights”. I use the word “industry” because contrary to what they portray to the public, this  groups do not provide any real services to the animal world and their focus is on fundraising, fundraising and more fundraising. Ad campaigns cost a lot of money however the monetary gain from these campaigns make it well worth the upfront cost. These ad campaigns generate the money needed to supply Wayne with a hefty yearly salary of over $350,000! Pretty extravagant for a man is in it because of his “compassion for animals”. His “compassion” has put him in the same tax bracket that only 1% of all Americans enjoy! Ironically, only 1% of the funds raised by the HSUS is actually given to shelters (it’s actually more around .5%). Pretty good for a man who does nothing when it comes to the actual welfare of animals!  
