What Happens When an Animal "Rights" Extremist is Arrested?

The actions of the animal "rights" industry and their crusade of lies, animal cruelty and propaganda result in death for 1000s of animal and ruined lives for those who care for and take care of them. They are pushing forward with their agenda, not of animal welfare, but of the vague claim of animal "rights". Their actions have shut down circuses & zoo and aided in the creation of legislation that destroys farms and hurts the people who love and care for animals of all varieties. They accomplish their goals by pointing their fingers and saying "look what these people are doing". It's irrelevant if what they are claiming is false.
         So we know what happens after the animals they claim to be fighting for get the rights they want them to have (death) and we know that the lives of the people that work with these animals are ruined as well but what happens when roles are reversed? What happens when employees of a group like PETA are caught committing crimes that based on their own propaganda, would be considered ( and in fact is) unacceptable and disgusting? What we do know is that it's NOT going to be broadcast across every news network in the country like the stories of those FALSELY accused of animal cruelty. Instead they get a small trial and get off easy...unlike all the animals they killed.
The two were each given a 10-day suspended sentence, 12 months of supervised probation, 50 hours of community service and a $1,000 fine. They will split the $5,975 restitution costs.
That's it? Really? A 10-day suspended sentence? Well lets see, maybe what they did was minor. Let's take a look.
Adria Hinkle, 28, and Andrew Cook, 26, were employed by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals when they were caught June 15, 2005, dumping euthanized animals into a trash bin at a shopping center in Ashoskie. They had faced 21 charges of felony animal cruelty, seven counts of littering and three counts of obtaining property by false pretenses.
WHAT!? So lets look at the actual crime at hand here and what they did. They would go to a shelter and tell them that they were getting animals to bring to new homes (false pretense), then have them euthanized ( because animals are better dead than in human care) and then throw their dead bodies in a dumpster in public view (for dramatic effect so people can say "these horrible animal abusers need to be stopped" thinking the people who did this are actually the same people animal "rights" activist accuse of cruelty). So why be so easy on these disgusting humans?
"These kids are pawns between law enforcement and PETA," said Mark Edwards, Cook's attorney. "It's about getting PETA. It's about getting a good show."
Jack Warmack, one of Hinkle's attorneys, asked: "Why are we here today on animal cruelty charges? We're here today because of who they work for. This is the PETA case."
 This is not correct! These people ARE PETA! The "activist" and people employed by PETA all KNOW what the mission of PETA is and know exactly what they are doing! No one is forcing these people to act in any way. They are choosing to do so. I want you to imagine for a minute what would happen if ANYONE in a circus or zoo participated in practices such as these? It would not only immediately go viral, but everyone even somewhat associated with the given field would be demonized and the public would push for the closer of said establishment. So why are not all animal "rights" activist demonized and why is PETA, the HSUS and other ARG still operating? Because there is not enough organized forces behind the opposition! We need to fight back, get organized and spread the truth! We need the public to know the truth about the animal "rights" industry and we need the public to know the truth about the amazing humans who dedicate their live to caring for animals!

For Full Story on the Results of the this Case, Click Here
